- Appellate Consulting, Appellate Litigation
Consumer Attorneys Association of Los Angeles’s magazine, ‘Advocate’, just published a new article written by Janet Gusdorff. Titled “Valuing Your Appeal – A Formulaic Way of Deciding When Outsourcing the Appeal to Appellate Counsel Makes Sense”, the experienced Los Angeles appellate lawyer goes into detail about how trial attorneys can decide how best to handle case appeals. She thoroughly examines the pros and cons of handling appeals “in house” versus outsourcing to an appeals attorney. You can read the article here.
About Janet Gusdorff and Gusdorff Law
Janet Gusdorff, California State and Federal Appellate Litigation Attorney, offers a unique perspective and approach to appellate law, having exclusively handled writs and appeals since 2006. Gusdorff Law specializes in state and federal appellate litigation throughout California, with an emphasis on plaintiffs’ personal injury and employment law. Ms. Gusdorff is a certified appellate specialist (CBLS), serves on the executive committee for the Appellate Courts Section of the Los Angeles County Bar Association, and is a proud member of the California Employment Lawyers Association and Consumer Attorneys Association of Los Angeles. She also is an annual honorary member of the Los Angeles Trial Lawyers Charities.