What Is The Difference Between A Common Law And Statutory Writ?

Common Law Versus Statutory Writs

Writs occupy a unique position within the world of California appellate procedure. They are directives from the Court of Appeal to a trial court to either do or cease doing something. Whereas appeals are heard by the appellate courts as a matter of right, writs are a matter of discretion. They are also only granted […]

What an Appeal Cannot Do

Statute of blindfolded lady justice, concept of appeal

While appeals can serve a number of interests in justice, they cannot accomplish everything a party may desire. Both state and federal appellate rules limit when and how appeals may be used. If your trial court case didn’t turn out as expected, you may be wondering if you should appeal. In this article, appellate litigation […]

A Few Things Trial Lawyers Wish They Had Known Before The Appeal

appellate consulting trial lawyer discussing appeal

Preparing an appeal sometimes starts before the trial is over. In fact, some of the most effective appeals are developed while the trial is progressing. Our law practice consists not only of appellate litigation but also consulting. The reason for this is simple: trial law and appellate law are vastly different. And while your trial […]

Janet Gusdorff Published in Advocate Magazine – “Valuing Your Appeal”

Gusdorff Law article- Valuing Your Appeal

Consumer Attorneys Association of Los Angeles’s magazine, ‘Advocate’, just published a new article written by Janet Gusdorff. Titled “Valuing Your Appeal – A Formulaic Way of Deciding When Outsourcing the Appeal to Appellate Counsel Makes Sense”, the experienced Los Angeles appellate lawyer goes into detail about how trial attorneys can decide how best to handle […]